Good Articles

Salaam & Musaahfa (Shaking Hands)

Author: NooreMadinah Network



It has been stated in the fifth part of the Holy Quran: "If someone sends Salaam upon you in good words, then you too must send Salaam upon them in better words or the same". This shows the importance of making Salaam in Islam.


Salaam is a way of respect. It is a beautiful greeting, a means of showing love and gentleness, and a means of creating a bond of brotherhood. Salaam takes away jealousy, hatred and enmity. To be the first to make Salaam to a person is a means of great mercy and reward. Who better to explain the excellence of Salaam than the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)? He said: "When two Muslims meet one another, then they should first make Salaam. If they are then separated by a tree, pillar or wall, on seeing one another again, they should make Salaam".


The first Salaam was made by Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) to the Angels showing that Salaam is a Sunnat of the Nabis. The beauty of Salaam is that when one person makes Salaam to the next, he says, "As Salaamu Alaikum"(May all kinds of peace be upon you). In this way he is making Du'a for the person's health, welfare, prosperity and all good things. The person who returns the Salaam, says, "Wa Alaikumus Salaam" (And the same upon You), meaning that he returns the same Du'a and more to you.


Salaam is also a means of promise and bondship. When one Muslim makes Salaam to the other, then he is assuring him that he is now safe from him and he will not be the cause of any pain or loss to him in any way. The person who replies to the Salaam also now makes the pledge of assurity.


The answer to Salaam must be given immediately as it is Waajib to do so and a sin to delay. To make Salaam during Azaan, Iqaamat Namaaz, Khutba, when a person is in the Istinja, or if he or she is having a meal, is not allowed. To make Salaam by lifting the fingers of the palm is not allowed as this is the manner of the Christians and Jews. It is also Haraam to make Salaam to a Kaafir, Mushrik, Bud- Mazhab or Gustakh-e-Rasool (one who insults the station of Prophethood).


One should make Salaam when entering another persons home. When entering one's own home, one should make Salaam to one's parents, wife, brothers, sisters and children. When entering an empty house, on should say: "As Salaamu Alaika Ayuhan Nabiyu wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu, Was Salaamu Alaina Wa Alaa Ibaadallahis Saaliheen".


When entering the Musjid, one should say: "Bismillahi Was Salaamu ala Rasoolullahi".


When going to the grave of a Muslim, say at least this: "As Salaamu Alaikum Ya Ahlil Quboor Yaghfirullah lana wa lakum Wa Inna Insha Allahi Bikum Laahiqoon".


When visiting the Roza-e-Anwar of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) one should say: "As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rasoolallah, As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Habeeballah, As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rahmatal Lil Alameen Wa Alaa aalika wa Ashaabika Ya Shafi al Muznibeen".



Like Salaam, their are many beauties of Musaafa that have been quoted in the Ahadith. It is proven to be a continuous Sunnah of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).


It has been stated in the Hadith that when a Muslim makes Musaafa with another Muslim, then by the mere motion of the hands, all the sins fall thereof. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has stated that when two Muslims make Musaafa with one another, then even before separating, they are forgiven. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has stated that when two Muslims make Musaafa by the shaking of the hands, their sins fall off in such a manner as the leaves of a tree fall off during a hurricane, even though they are equivalent to the foam on the sea.


When making Musaafa, it is Sunnah to do so with both hands. It is permissible to make Salaam and Musaafa after every Namaaz as it is a means of Barakah.


For males to shake hands with na-Mahram ladies is not permissable.



To meet one another, chest to chest, heart to heart, neck to neck and shoulder to shoulder is called "Muaaniqa". This is a sign of love and friendship. On many occasions, the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) held the Sahaba to his blessed chest and on various occasions, the Sahaaba made Muaaniqa with the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).



To kiss the mother, father, Peer, Ustaad, brothers, sisters, wife or children, hand, feet, forehead or cheek out of love and affection is totally permissible and a way of showing love and reverence.


Dear Muslims, make Salaam in the manner prescribed to you when meeting one another, rather than saying, "Howzit", "Namaste", "Good Morning", "Good-bye" or "Good night", etc. The Muslim method of greeting is the best and most kind way of greeting. May Allah protect us from following the ways of non-Muslims. Ameen.