
Laws and Conditions of Ghusal [Bath]

Author: Noore Madinah Network

Ghusal is a means of preparing ones self for Ibaadat (Worship of Allah). Ghusal is a necessity for a true Muslim. The importance of Ghusal has been mentioned in both the Holy Quran and in the Ahadith. The verse of the Holy Quran that commanded Ghusal as a Fardh Action was revealed in the Holy City of Makkah.

Almighty Allah commands in the Holy Quran that if you are in an impure state, then purify yourself well.Almighty Allah is Pure and Allah loves all that which is pure. It is on the authority of Hazrat Abu Qatadah (radi Allahu anhu) that The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, Cleanliness is half your Imaan.


There are five factors that make Ghusal Fardh (obligatory) on a person. The first three that we have enlisted are for both males and females, while the last two are only for females. These are:-

1. Wet dream causes Ghusal to become Fardh.


2. Sexual inter course will make Ghusal Fardh on both persons.


3. Ejaculation caused due to lust makes Ghusal Fardh.


4. Ghusal is Fardh on women on termination of her men strual periods.


5. Ghusal is also Fardh on a female after Nifaas (puerperalhaemorrhage).


There are also three actions in Ghusal that are Fardh.These are:-

1. To rinse the mouth thoroughly.


2. To clean the nostrils thoroughly.


3. To wash theen tire body in such a manner that not even an area equal to a strand of hair be left dry. If this is not done properly, then Ghusal will not be done.


Even though one may be in a pure state, there are certain instances where it is either desirable (Mustahab) of Sunnah to make Ghusal.


It is Sunnah to perform Ghusl for the following:-

1.For the Jummah Salaah.


2. For Eid Salaahs.


3. On the day of Arafaat (9th Zil-Hajj - Day of Hajj)


4. Before tying ones Ihraam.


It is Mustahab to perform Ghusl for the following:-

1. When waiting in Arafaat and Muzdalifa.


2. When visiting the Holy Haram(Kaaba).


3. Before visiting the Blessed Tomb of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihiwasallam).


4. Before entering Mina.


5. Before hitting the Jamraah.


6. On the eve of the Birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihiwasallam).


7. For Lailatul Qadr.


8. For  Lailatul Baraat.


9. For Lailatul Me'raaj.


10. On the eve of Eid.


11. On the eve of Arafaah.


12. On the eve and day of Aashurah(10thMuharram).


13. Before wearing new clothes.


14. Before making Tauba(repenting) from ones sins.


15. For Salaatul Istisqaa.


16. For Namaaz at the time of eclipse.


17. Before teaching the Holy Quran and A hadith.


18. After bathing the deceased.


19. After coming out of an unconscious state.


20. Before and after a journey.


21. After Istihaaza(Sickness of women).


22. On recovering from illness.


23. At the time off ear.


24. During a storm.


25. Before a wedding or any happy occasion.


26. When visiting Holy Places such as Mazaars,etc.


27. When going to meet a learned Scholar of Islam.



With the EXCEPTION of the above mentioned, it is also a good habit to bathe twice daily, in the morning on awakening and at night before going to bed.


The Sunnah method of Ghusal: One should first make Niyyah in the heart of Ghusal to gain purification from impurities. Both hands should then be washed till the wrist. The pubic areas should then be washed thoroughly removing any impurities. Impurities on any other portion of the body should be washed. One should then perform Wudhu. The entire body should then be washed thoroughly. Water must then be poured thrice over the right shoulder, then thrice over the left shoulder, thrice over the head, and then thrice over the entire body. One must make sure that the water passes over the body properly not leaving any dry spots. Thereafter, it is preferable for the feet to be washed after coming out of the bathroom. After making Ghusal in this way, one may read the Holy Quran or perform Salaah. There is no need to repeat Wudhu unless Wudhu becomes nullified (breaks). When making Ghusal, one is not allowed to read anything or talk unnecessarily.


Dear Friends! We should be clean and pure at all times, for none knows when death will come. May Almighty Allah keep us amongst the pure. Aameen.


